October 2015

October 2015
This is me! October 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Still no Onederland for me-- but 1.5lbs down and 34lbs total!

I wish what I had to report was I am back in Onederland, but I am not. 

Positives; it is a loss and a good one at that. I am not completely off the wagon and I have not given up. I attempted at logging every day.

Negative; I had pizza the last two evenings, am not drinking my water like I am supposed to, while making a good attempt at logging I am not following through the entire day, and I only exercised once and didn’t even have my fit bit on for something like three days.

The week has been kind of rough. When I last blogged last week on 10/7 and 10/8 I was starting to feel more like myself and pretty much out of my depressive episode… I even got on the elliptical that Thursday on the 8th and got my targeted 10,000 steps in that day and logged my food! Friday morning I woke up with a headache and as the day went on it got progressively worse. At some point this bad headache turned into a migraine. I have not had these before and while it was not diagnosed by a doctor some things accompanied it that have not been part of my headaches before (which I get pretty rarely sense I started going to the chiropractor and my neck started being straightened out.). First, the pain was noticeably on one side of the head, more on the left. Then late morning/early afternoon while at Walmart of all places the pain got so intense I almost vomited. A little after that my vision went very funny. It is hard to describe, but like of like little speaks of light over the right side of my vision. At the time I was trying to grab a few groceries and also trying to pick out a birthday present for my nephew and I couldn’t even see the price tags. That was scary. I didn’t have my phone with my and my 3-year old was with me at the time.

I sat in the car for about 5 minutes where it was darker (light sensitivity) and my vision cleared and I felt safe enough to drive home. I made it home and took some Ibuprofen. I am so lucky my husband was home for his lunch. He saw I was miserable (I couldn’t even communicate to him clearly, talking even hurt). He told me to lay down and he would lay our daughter down for her nap after she finished eating. Ohh, the pain was horrible. I wanted so bad to fall asleep and I kept waiting for the pain medicine to kick in but laid there for over an hour. Finally I fell asleep and about an hour and a half later I woke up and almost wept with relief because the pain was gone.

I am not sure what caused this and I am not sure if I will have more, but I really hope not. I am going to get some suggested pain medicine around just in case though. I spoke to some people who have or developed migraines and they gave me some good pointers. I am not sure if some dehydration lead to this because I did not take super good care of myself during the depressive episode. Also, that week my neck went out and while I tried to go to the chiropractor that Friday he was gone on vacation (I went yesterday, awww relief!).

I spoke to my mother and she suffered from migraines in her late teens and then again when she was pregnant with me. She told me that they seemed to be brought on by bright light (so I will be keeping my sunglasses around me too now when out). My brother had a bad year with constant severe migraines too. Fortunately for him they stopped after a year. I hope I am even more fortunate and don’t get anymore. We will have to see.

Picture borrowed from facebook's TJ's Pizza home page
So, as you can imagine I felt pretty horrible on Friday and still out of it the next day (all achy and stiff like I had been sick). I don’t think I tracked much either day…I will have to look. Sunday was another rough day, though not so much for me. We went to my nephew’s football game and during the game he fell and broke his arm in two places and needed to have surgery that evening. We were also going to go to my younger nephew’s birthday party that evening (his brother). The party was of course rescheduled but my husband, my daughter, my parents, and myself hung around with the rest of the kids and tried to have a mini party while my sister and brother-in-law were with my nephew. Poor guy! That evening (Sunday) we got pizza from my nephew’s (and mine actually) favorite pizza place. TJ's Pizza. 

Then yesterday I decided to go with my daughter back to their house for the make-up birthday party. At first we weren’t going to, my nephew had already opened up his birthday present and I wasn’t even feeling the best with my neck and light headaches. After a very successful chiropractor appointment and some thought I decided I would go and celebrate with him. The birthday boy was such a trooper about the whole thing and I knew it would mean a lot to him if we came. We live about an hour and a half away. The party was a lot of fun and I am glad we went. Last night though again was pizza from the same favorite place.

So, each evening I had two piece of the pizza…and this is not thing crust Papa Murphy 4 or 5 point pieces, these pieces were probably nearing 8 or 9 points a piece…the good stuff! I am back home and get this pizza so rarely that it was a special treat and I planned to cap it at just two piece (when before I probably would have gone for at least a third), but it still put me a bit over my points for both days (by about 4 or 5 points over).

On a positive note/victory I stayed away from the cake and ice cream both evenings. The cake looks delicious and I must say having my husband/accountability person there on Sunday
helped me say no to the sweets, but I was pretty proud of myself when I stayed away from the real birthday cake last night.

  Even more surprisingly, I drove by Culver’s without stopping FOUR times for the Pumpkin shake. Anyone who knows me how
much of a weakness this is for me. I normally camp out pretty much and get one the first day they get it in and probably have at least four more until they get out of season. It is officially mid-October and I have not had one yet. I AM planning on having one this year but not until (and I made this past at the beginning of the month) I stay successfully in the 100lb range for two weeks at least. I did not make it this week, so maybe next week.

Again, last night being alone in the car (no husband at least…my 3-year old was with me but she would not comment if mama got a shake) after already being over my points already after a couple of stressful days I was pretty proud of myself for not stopping at Culvers. I really wanted to. I remember even thinking on the way there…no one would know. That is not true though, I would know…I would also be honest and tell my husband and blog about on here, and tell my personal coach, Nicolle.

That brings me to my coaching session today.
Last week I did not have a coaching session at all…mostly my fault because I did not book her before last Tuesday because I knew she was going to be out of town for rest of the week. I was not really in a shape to do that Sunday-Tuesday though. Anyway, so I checked in with her today via phone. I did send her a quick update mid next week that she received when she got back home about my manic depressive episode and weigh gain.

I felt very good after talking to her. I didn’t think she would but she didn’t berate me or anything, but also did not try to make excuses for me. Helped me look ate the positive points/choices this past week and set up realistic goals for this week.

Here they are!

So, we changed my exercise amount of days from 4 to 3 and that is before this Friday (when we chat next). I already have one down today so I have three more days to exercise two more times. She also encouraged me to be sure to spread out my points again during the day and to encourage my water intake. She really wants me to push the water. I know I should get to the 64 ounces today…I am already at about 40.

So, today is going well. House feels back in order after a pretty crazy week. I got on the elliptical this afternoon and am currently at 6300 steps. I am not sure if 10,000 will be a reasonable goal every day until I am back 100% but I think I will make it today. I also have most of my water drank already. So, I am off to a good start. Hopefully this will continue and come next Tuesday I will break into Onederland again. Ohhh how I miss you! The brief stay was amazing.

Lastly, next week a good weight loss breaking back into the 100s will be about perfect timing. It will be the week that I post my monthly weight on my motivation wall.
  Another reason to work hard this week.

Thanks for reading!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

And this is how change looks like

I am feeling even better today.  Yesterday I logged everything that I ate and drank my water (which I don't think I had much of for probably 4 days before this.  When I weighed in on Tuesday and was up 4.5lbs well into the 200s again (204.something) I couldn't bring myself to care too much.   Had too much other junk in my head.  Yesterday it bugged me a bit more so this morning I snuck onto the scale again to see what a more accurate weight might be if my body was back in synch and I was already down 4lbs.  200.2lbs lol.   As long as I keep up with the rest of the week I should have most of that weight off by my next Tuesday weigh in.

Something else I did this morning was to compare some of my before and after pictures (the ones I took about a week ago, not the scary looking ones from yesterday lol).   It feels good to actually see the difference when these pictures are put side-by-side.  I wanted to share. 


Ok, so yes I straightened my hair last week but still I can even notice the difference in my face.

Here is a kind of full body shot...

Yup, same day different shirt.  I am so tricky!  Not sure why I went with a white shirt because they are not the most flattering...probably because it was a large which was kind of exciting!  Officially graduating from most of my xl shirts. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

This is how a manic depressive episode looks like

After walking on air last week I am feeling a bit deflated. The weight gain was not a surprise because I had stopped taking care of myself the past four days.

This might hit me more later, but still…OUCH! I was pretty good the rest of last week until this last Saturday and then things just got tough. Not exactly sure what triggered me this time but my depression and anxiety reared it’s ugly face on Sunday and sent me into a stupor. I went from not eating enough to gorging myself to the point of feeling sick. I had such much turmoil in my head that what I was putting into my body did not seem important. Overall, it really wasn’t. Was struggling go function day to day and I don’t think I had the capacity to even log my stuff for a few days even if I had wanted to. Exercise would have been helpful though, would have probably helped. Those that struggle with anxiety and depression know what I am talking about. My mind was going a million x an hour and I could not seem to focus or make decisions. I had multiple crying episodes. My poor 3-year old has not seen mama like this for L O N G time, probably doesn’t remember the last time about a year ago.

It might be partially seasonal. It got a colder and while I love the fall the change of weather does funny stuff to people. I questioned if I forgot to take my medicine once this weekend but when things sent from bad to worse (after I for sure took it) I do not think that so much anymore. We had some stressful stuff going on around the neighborhood that had me a bit no edge. The week was pretty busy doing a ton of stuff with apples (apple sauce, apple pies, frozen apple pies, apple butter…). This I did not do all by myself but with different groups of people. I was on a high energy, busy, mode that I didn’t even recognize until after my depressive episode; so, I guess it was bound to happen. In a few weeks here my parents are leaving for Florida for the winter and my husband and parents wonder if that makes me a bit depressed. There are a lot of things that could attribute to my down swing but pretty much what it comes down to I can’t pin point really anything. That is the frustrating thing about anxiety and depression…usually there is now rhyme or reason.

I am so fortunate to have great support. My mother-in-law and sister-in-laws put up with me for a few days and seemed to check in on me. My mom and dad came to stay with me on a particularly bad day after a phone call to them. My father helped with some ends and odds around the house and my mother helped me do about 4 loads of laundry. They helped me retain a sense of control about the house though as they both said to me it really was mostly under control…that is not how it felt though. My husband did all he could to help me during this. I hate this. I don’t like asking for help. I hate feeling out of control and it feels even worse when there is no particular reason for it.

Yesterday morning I woke up and felt more like myself. I spent the day with my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. We did more canning and they helped get my house back in order. I made an apple pie for my husband and myself and we enjoyed a piece just the two of us last night (our 3-year old is not the biggest fan). I did not log or do any particular exercise that day but I got the house put back together and cleaned the floors. I mentally prepared myself for getting my eating and exercise back into my goals for the next day (today). I meant to go ahead and plan out the week like I had been but couldn’t quite get myself to get that focused yet.

This morning I woke up still feeling good. I functioned on my own today lol. I ate and logged a healthy breakfast of two eggs with some toast. I canned the last couple of quartz of apple sauce in a hot water bath and put away the rest of the canning stuff down stairs. I had a salad with roast beef for lunch. I logged that and now contemplating what to do for supper. Still having a little tough time getting myself to focus on things in the future like what we will be having for supper and what exactly I am going to do for exercise. I know I have some ground beef thawed. I hadn’t planned on doing this blog until I sat down and pulled up a word document. Going minute by minute here. I know that is how some or most people live their life but as you can tell from some of my previous blogs planning is a strategy that usually helps me cope with my anxiety and what I feel like dysfunction. I like to plan out my meals, days, weeks and if something happens that changes it up I cope and adjust; but usually having something down as a plan helps. I think I am getting there again.

Right before I laid Cora down for a nap I changed into my workout clothes with the intention of doing something. I usually close what exercise I am going to do that morning; the elliptical, go for a walk, Turbo Jam, weight lifting, Jillian… but life is still kind of playing in fast forward.

Today is a good day though. Feel like I am back on the right track. I am overal improving because stints like this used to last weeks and not just 3 days.

So, while I am feeling discouraged about the 4.5lb gain I am not surprised because I have not been watching with I eat, have not exercised, and am dehydrated. I am feeling like the majority of it probably will roll off when I get my body back into synch again. Seeing the numbers back in the 200s is probably where the majority of my frustration comes from though because I worked so hard to get out of there. With some refocusing this week the weight should mostly come back off again. Big picture here.

Ok, I am going to go downstairs now and …do something.

...So I got distracted again.   I went to pot this to my blog and I found some great pictures I took just a few days before all of this hit.  This was me still walking on air, still watching my points and staying active.  


This is me again...wow, talk about before and after this is how a manic episode looks like I guess.  I even tried to smile and that looks even more unlike me. 


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Onederland Bust!!! 36.8lbs out of here!


Ok, I really only have a few minutes but I wanted to already start on this entry.

Who busted into Onederland this am??? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


K, as you can tell I am sticking happy. I lost 3.9lbs to get there too! This is after working hard for a month and being stuck! The biggest change I made this week was, per my personal coach Nicolle
I tried to eat all of my exercise points. Before I was just maybe adding a couple extra on the days I did a hard exercise and my general goal was not to use any of the extra weekly or earned activity points. Well, because of my month plateau Nicolle wanted to see what my body would do if I added or took away some points. Luckily we tried to add some first. I guess my body wanted that extra fuel! Opps, got to go! My mother-in-law is here to pick us up for the apple orchard.


Phew, what a day! Still slightly walking on air here.  Aww Onederland!  If you have not figured it out it is when you get out of the 200lb mark into the 100s.  I have not been under 200lbs sense before I was pregnant with our daughter Cora, so at least 3.5 years!  Before that though, I was in the 100s for about 9 years. 

Looking back it is crazy how fast the weight piled on and most of it was after I gave birth!  At the very start of weight watchers I was 239lbs, but even right then as I was typing the "239" I accidently typed and had to erase 133...because 200s does not feel right, does not seem familiar.  I know on a blog a ways back (or maybe even then) when I am blatantly putting my weight out there I accidently wrote a 1 instead of a 2 a few times (which was nicely pointed out by a good friend on here and then corrected).  Yeah, I wish I was 123lbs or whatever I put.  I also know I accidently mixed up the 1 with the 2 when entering my weight on weight watchers.  LOL I got an automatic message saying job on the weight loss but to make sure I was doing it at a safe rate.  I guess 100lbs a week is probably not safe.

So, I am not sure exactly why getting into the 100s is a big deal.  Onederland is a thing though!  I first heard about it when I was trying to lose weight at 160lbs still.  I had to ask about Onederland and was told and it made sense.  I did not know how great it would feel though.   Being in the 100s feel good though.  It is easier to type...nicer to say 199 instead of 201 even.   Such a small difference.

Here is what I do know though.  I am officially starting to fit into the L category and not needing the XL or XXL clothes!   At the beginning of this summer I bought these short skirts from Walmart at XL.  There is no way that the Ls would fit me then.  Well, the same skirts went on clearance and there was a pattern I like only at a L.  I decided to buy it though I didn't know/think it would fit.  I was thinking it would fit sometimes again.  I tried it on and it fit like a gem!  WHOHOOO!  You know that this means, this week I am also breaking into my old tub of clothes! I have 3 or 4 tubs of clothes downstairs with M and Ls that I put away about 2 years ago.  There was a time when I wondered if I should just get rid of them but that was like admitting failure (but we have all been there).  I am glad that I held on.  I know that I won't be hanging on to these larger clothes when it is time.  Hello Goodwill! 

So, today went well and we had a fun day at the Apple Orchard, though I will say I had some close calls with a donut.   They were handing out free samples of apple cider donuts there (yumm! If you have not had them just picture heaven) and I opted not to have any samples.  Weight watchers if not about saying no and that isn't what I am about.  Just not then.  I knew if I started I would have a hard time stopping. I also knew we were going out for lunch and I wasn’t sure what the options would be.  So, I said no to the samples though bought a package for home (because again it was not a no, just not now).  Lunch went well too, I made a good choice with a grilled chicken sandwich and substituted a salad. The sandwich was very good but the chicken was pretty large, 6 oz. I should have split it in half, but I didn’t. I ate it, counted it and I moved on. 

I got home and carried the 3 bushels of apples into our dining room (we are canning this weekend)and then carried one of the packages of Apple Cider Donuts to the counter. I almost broke into the package right then. Now, I know I could have a donut, but for some reason at that frame of mind I am pretty sure I would not have stopped at one. I was kind of thinking, “well, I deserve this.  No one is looking."  I ate one of the fresh honey crisp apples (that helped hit the spot) and logged my lunch and then played around with my points for the rest of the day to see if I could sneak in a donut without going over. I made it work! Then I drank a full glass of water, took out one donut and put away the rest, and sat down and enjoyed every single bite.  No guilt and I do not have any inclination of going after any more.  I was originally going to wait for my husband and have one with him later but that will probably be late tonight and I don't like eating sweets that late. 

Now….a little more about the rest of my week. As I mentioned before I upped my daily points each day this past week to include most of my activity points.  It made my consummation points look huge.  

Now, I knew that my weight was dropping this week because we snuck a peek on Friday morning. Nicolle suggested I check and see how my body was reacting with just a few days with my new goals.   I was 201 (had been 203lbs) I was elated with that and at least thought we were on the right track increasing my points. I was kind of hopeful but trying not to set myself getting too excited about gettings into the 100s. I had already hit another personal goal that week on Friday, at 201lbs I officially weighed less than my husband! A.K.A the bearded man...

Here is an even better one.. LOL!  Forgot he grew his beard this much. 
 Ok, he shaved his beard sense then.  I guess it is warmer for during the winter... oh goodie, winter is coming again.  Here is a better one. 

Alright, that is enough for now.  I am going to post the bearded picture on facebook and ask if anyone knows who this is now lol

Sunday, September 27, 2015

I like to Move It! Personal goal achieved! Started drinking Organo and had a great mid-week weigh in.

I like to Move it Move it!

Just checking in! It is Sunday morning and I have really have been having a great week. I have stuck to my goal range each day and really got some kick butt exercises in! A few things I want to point out.

I hit a big non-scale goal this week! On Wednesday evening my husband weighed himself and then I weighed myself, and for the first time in years I weigh less than my husband! His response is he needs to start skipping the snacks. Lol, always a competition.

Additionally, I had my check-in with my weight watcher’s personal coach Nicolle this past Friday and I had great news to report! We had made a change for this week about what my daily point goal would be. Before this, I had been trying to eat basically just my minimum personal point goal and adding a few extra if I had a hard exercise that day. I would also try not to eat any of my extra weekly points. Sense Tuesday I have been eating all of my earned exercise points to see if that would make a difference in the movement of my weight. I have been at a standstill for about two months. Well, this changeup did make a difference! On Friday morning I weighed myself and I was down 2.1lbs from Tuesday morning! I am at 201.0! I am SOOOO close to getting under the 200lb mark! It has been over 3 years sense I have been there! So, I guess my body has been wanting some of those extra calories/points.  Almost to Onederland! 

Also, on Friday I mentioned to Nicolle that sense starting to eat larger extra snacks in between my meals I have not been having these ‘tired’ crashes. For the past few months around 2 or 3:00pm I would get hit with suck sleepiness I would want to lie down and take a nap with my daughter (and this is the prime time to usually get a hard workout in while my little one is sleeping). She told me that was my body telling me I needed more fuel! I hope this change continues to increase my energy during the afternoon.

The last change I made this week that might be making a difference is I have been trying a coffee drink called Organo.  

On Wednesday afternoon at my chiropractors office I had asked about the coffee drink he was drinking (it smelled amazing) and he told me about this drink instant coffee mix called Organo. It is made with a type of mushroom named Ganoderma Lucidum. He has been drinking it for about six months and loves the stuff and recently started selling it at the office. They gave me a sample and I really enjoyed the taste. Ok, this was a bit more expensive than I would have liked but I just thought to try it out. I paid about $30.00 for the entire box of 30 (shhh don’t tell my husband). I actually saw on Amazon they sold them for half that price though. Hmmm.

Here is the general information about Ganderma Lucidum that I got from http://www.organocoffeecompany.com/benefits-of-ganoderma/


This is what I know. I used to have 3 cups of coffee a day (2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon) and I have not found myself yet feeling the need for a 3rd cup of coffee. I tend to have one up of regular coffee with a little bit of creamer with my breakfast and then I make second cup with Organo and drink it black still that morning. I enjoy the very strong taste! I have noticed I have plenty of energy through the rest of the day and I have been sleeping well. I know that my Chiropractor is up to 2 or 3 cups of this stuff a day and I can’t imagine getting to that amount for a variety of reasons. I will say for a few days my anxiety was up there a bit but there were other occurrences surrounding that. I did have a nice drop in my weight over a period of 3 days after starting this. I don’t know if that was because of this drink or increasing the amount of calories. I kind of wish I would have started this maybe a week after just so I know what made the difference.

So, I do enjoy the drink and I am planning on continuing with one cup a day. I am not selling the stuff and probably will just buy it off Amazon after this. I know there is a whole money making business with this and I am not interested in that.    I just like the taste and if I am getting some of these benefits from the mushroom, more power to me! 

So, things are going well and I am looking forward to my Tuesday morning weigh in.  I really think I will stay strong all weekend.  I am optimisitic that I might even be in Onederland on Tuesday.   I will be happy with any loss though above .4 ounces.  :) 


Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A loss is a loss I hear... .3 ounces down. 32.9lbs down

This is why I got a personal coach…

I had a very good week, consistently the whole week through. It has been over 10 days now that I have stuck to my daily point allotment goal (only on days that I exercised did I add a few points).  I exercised four out of the seven days this week (so meet that goal too) and meet 10,000 steps 5 out of 7 days!

I was hopeful for a good weight loss, not just because of this but also it being my time of the month during last week’s weigh in. I was sure I was carrying some water weight last week. I was hoping to finally break out of the 200s this week. It would have meant a 3lbs + weight loss but it seemed kind of possible.

So, that didn’t happen.   

.3 ounces. Ok, I am happy with a loss but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed. I was not ready to turn in the towel or anything but was really wondering if I was on the right track?   I went over my food log and made sure there wasn’t anything I was forgetting. I really did enter everything; from the oil I used in the pan with the eggs to the creamer I put into my coffee.  

Was I eating too much still? I did not touch any of my weekly points and used only 1/3rd of the 30 points I earned.  It seems like many on this plan get to eat their 49 or at least some.   Maybe I wasn’t eating enough? That seemed too good to be true. Thought maybe I just needed to continue with what I was doing and give the current formula more time. It is just frustrating to see this…

Had I already reached a plateau? 

Another thing I need to mention I did was weigh myself repeatedly this week. I usually try to just weigh once a week but the beginning of the week when my AF was over I checked my weight and saw it hadn’t changed. Then I checked again last Friday and saw I was a few ounces heavier! Ummm what? I did manage to stay away the last few days because I knew I was discouraging myself.  

So, this afternoon I waited anxiously and a bit dejectedly for Nicolle’s phone call. After our conversation I feel much better and feel like I have a plan again. We tried to look back and see what I was doing the week of my last good weight loss. We also looked over my previous weeks. She agreed with me that something didn't seem right.  She said we need to change things up until we find something that will continue healthy weigh loss. 

It was a reassurance to not continue doing the same thing for another week, though I would have if she suggested it. My previous goal was to not eat any of my weekly points and eat anything over 4 per day of my activity points When we looked back on my week one thing we realized is for two days I had earned close to 8-10 activity points but had only added 2 points to my daily goal.   Opps!  She said that should not have changed my results that much because it was not long-term. 

She suggested we go one of two ways. One was to not use any of my activity points and just stick with my daily goal. The other was to use all or most of my attained activity points. We try one first and if that doesn’t work then try the other next week.

As you can imagine, I was really hoping for the later but tried to keep an open mind as we talked about the pros and cons of both. I am pretty sure it was her that suggested we try eating my activity points first and see if that makes much of a difference. Looking back at this week that will mean adding 4 to 10 points to each of my days! She wanted me to be sure to add good carbs and protein and not icecream :) 

This is what I am going to try.

1.  To continue to preplan my meals (now doing about two days in advance because the whole week seemed to change so much towards the end of the week).

2.  Work out 4 out of 7 days still.

3.  Weigh in only once or twice a week (tehehe)

4.  Not eat weekly points and eat all or most of accumulated activity points each day. 

So, this is why I got a personal coach! I am not sure what I have tried if I had not had her to turn to for advice on what to do. I think I might have tried to continue doing what I was doing to really see if it wasn’t working with the intention of switching things up in a week but probably getting discouraged and falling off the wagon again.  What I had been doing had seemed to work for 30 something pounds in the past, but I had changed...I am more active.

I am feeling more optimistic now with a game plan in mind now. We have another chat on Friday afternoon. I agreed to not weigh myself again until Friday but to not expect a huge change but will hopefully see a small movement though.  





Thursday, September 17, 2015

What is in a name??? 32.6lbs down!

Ok, so today I spent a LOT of time thinking about my blog. It really was (and maybe still is a bit) quite a mess and the name while it worked at the time I created it just does not fit anymore. The original name of this blog was “My Made to Crave.” Then I added “with Weight Watchers.” The name seemed long and there really are only a handful of posts where I talk specifically about the Made to Crave series. 

As mentioned in another blog entry I have a motivation wall. If you have not read my blog about it you can here….


Above everything on my motivation wall are the words, “She Believed She Could So She Did!“

When thinking about a good blog name these words kept coming back to me and it just seemed fitting. So, after some adjustments to the settings, a different theme, and a new blog name…. here ya go! This took me WAY too long lol

Well, on Tuesday morning this past week I weighed not too optimistically. For various reasons I knew I would not have a loss this week and I was afraid and probably deserved a few pound gain.

So, only 2 ounces. It wasn’t a huge surprise for a variety of reasons… one being it is my lovely TOM which always seems to add a pound or too. 

Also, this was my week….

As you can see I had a few days there that were very high points. I didn’t even track on these days and had to go back and guess. The rest of the week went great! I stuck to my daily goal plan (and added a few extra points to accommodate exercise). Last week I meet my goal of exercising four days and earned a nice chunk of activity points, 31! I did this by walking one day, I did the elliptical machine the next, and then I did Turbo Jam! I also made my 10,000 step goal for fitbit most of last week.

I am not exactly sure what happened on Saturday…weekends are my weakness. Saturday just started out kind of bad…I made eggs and then loaded it up with cheese! Right after we went to a parade in town and I managed to stay away from the candy. Then as a surprise my husband showed up and we all got to go the fair. I didn’t get anything bad at the fair (not even any cheese curds this time) but I had a 20 point sand which at Dairy Queen…opps! I had not realized how bad it was until later. Sunday I couldn’t quite get back into the swing of things. As we do every Sunday we went to Duncan Donuts before church, but instead of just getting a coffee I enjoyed 3 munchkins with my family. If I would have stopped there I would have been ok, but that afternoon we went out for lunch with our brother-in-law, to a pizza buffet… Then we ended up going to my sister-in-laws for supper which was chili, so that wasn’t too bad. It was the cheddar biscuits that I had two of that got me in trouble (think Red Lobster Biscuits).

Luckily, I held it together on Monday until I could speak to my personal coach Nicolle. 

She really helped me put things into perspective, to be prepared for a possible bad weigh in the next day, and we decided we needed to work on my weekends a little more. She was very motivating and while I can’t say I would not have gotten back on track with her, it sure helped a LOT! I had made another appointment on Tuesday so we could talk again and make sure I was on track and talk about what my weigh in actually was…which of course was not as bad as I thought it would be!

So, per Nicolle, here are my goals for this week and the nice message she sent me!


My goal this week about logging my exercise manually was because we aren’t real sure how accurate the fit bit synch is. I did do this for the first few days but I have not done it sense. I do plan on going through and logging things and then comparing the two (maybe will be in my next blog!).  So, I did not make all of my goals, number 4 I think will always be on my 'plan.'

After our conversations here is the message she sent me and the goals for this week. 


Thanks for reading!