As mentioned in another blog entry I have a motivation wall. If you have not read my blog about it you can here….
Above everything on my motivation wall are the words, “She Believed She Could So She Did!“
When thinking about a good blog name these words kept coming back to me and it just seemed fitting. So, after some adjustments to the settings, a different theme, and a new blog name…. here ya go! This took me WAY too long lol
Well, on Tuesday morning this past week I weighed not too optimistically. For various reasons I knew I would not have a loss this week and I was afraid and probably deserved a few pound gain.

Also, this was my week….
As you can see I had a few days there that were very high points. I didn’t even track on these days and had to go back and guess. The rest of the week went great! I stuck to my daily goal plan (and added a few extra points to accommodate exercise). Last week I meet my goal of exercising four days and earned a nice chunk of activity points, 31! I did this by walking one day, I did the elliptical machine the next, and then I did Turbo Jam! I also made my 10,000 step goal for fitbit most of last week.
I am not exactly sure what happened on Saturday…weekends are my weakness. Saturday just started out kind of bad…I made eggs and then loaded it up with cheese! Right after we went to a parade in town and I managed to stay away from the candy. Then as a surprise my husband showed up and we all got to go the fair. I didn’t get anything bad at the fair (not even any cheese curds this time) but I had a 20 point sand which at Dairy Queen…opps! I had not realized how bad it was until later. Sunday I couldn’t quite get back into the swing of things. As we do every Sunday we went to Duncan Donuts before church, but instead of just getting a coffee I enjoyed 3 munchkins with my family. If I would have stopped there I would have been ok, but that afternoon we went out for lunch with our brother-in-law, to a pizza buffet… Then we ended up going to my sister-in-laws for supper which was chili, so that wasn’t too bad. It was the cheddar biscuits that I had two of that got me in trouble (think Red Lobster Biscuits).
Luckily, I held it together on Monday until I could speak to my personal coach Nicolle.
She really helped me put things into perspective, to be prepared for a possible bad weigh in the next day, and we decided we needed to work on my weekends a little more. She was very motivating and while I can’t say I would not have gotten back on track with her, it sure helped a LOT! I had made another appointment on Tuesday so we could talk again and make sure I was on track and talk about what my weigh in actually was…which of course was not as bad as I thought it would be!
So, per Nicolle, here are my goals for this week and the nice message she sent me!
My goal this week about logging my exercise manually was because we aren’t real sure how accurate the fit bit synch is. I did do this for the first few days but I have not done it sense. I do plan on going through and logging things and then comparing the two (maybe will be in my next blog!). So, I did not make all of my goals, number 4 I think will always be on my 'plan.'
After our conversations here is the message she sent me and the goals for this week.
Thanks for reading!
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