Ok, I really only have a few minutes but I wanted to already start on this entry.
Who busted into Onederland this am??? ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

K, as you can tell I am sticking happy. I lost 3.9lbs to get there too! This is after working hard for a month and being stuck! The biggest change I made this week was, per my personal coach Nicolle
I tried to eat all of my exercise points. Before I was just maybe adding a couple extra on the days I did a hard exercise and my general goal was not to use any of the extra weekly or earned activity points. Well, because of my month plateau Nicolle wanted to see what my body would do if I added or took away some points. Luckily we tried to add some first. I guess my body wanted that extra fuel! Opps, got to go! My mother-in-law is here to pick us up for the apple orchard.
Phew, what a day! Still slightly walking on air here. Aww Onederland! If you have not figured it out it is when you get out of the 200lb mark into the 100s. I have not been under 200lbs sense before I was pregnant with our daughter Cora, so at least 3.5 years! Before that though, I was in the 100s for about 9 years.
Looking back it is crazy how fast the weight piled on and most of it was after I gave birth! At the very start of weight watchers I was 239lbs, but even right then as I was typing the "239" I accidently typed and had to erase 133...because 200s does not feel right, does not seem familiar. I know on a blog a ways back (or maybe even then) when I am blatantly putting my weight out there I accidently wrote a 1 instead of a 2 a few times (which was nicely pointed out by a good friend on here and then corrected). Yeah, I wish I was 123lbs or whatever I put. I also know I accidently mixed up the 1 with the 2 when entering my weight on weight watchers. LOL I got an automatic message saying job on the weight loss but to make sure I was doing it at a safe rate. I guess 100lbs a week is probably not safe.
So, I am not sure exactly why getting into the 100s is a big deal. Onederland is a thing though! I first heard about it when I was trying to lose weight at 160lbs still. I had to ask about Onederland and was told and it made sense. I did not know how great it would feel though. Being in the 100s feel good though. It is easier to type...nicer to say 199 instead of 201 even. Such a small difference.
Here is what I do know though. I am officially starting to fit into the L category and not needing the XL or XXL clothes! At the beginning of this summer I bought these short skirts from Walmart at XL. There is no way that the Ls would fit me then. Well, the same skirts went on clearance and there was a pattern I like only at a L. I decided to buy it though I didn't know/think it would fit. I was thinking it would fit sometimes again. I tried it on and it fit like a gem! WHOHOOO! You know that this means, this week I am also breaking into my old tub of clothes! I have 3 or 4 tubs of clothes downstairs with M and Ls that I put away about 2 years ago. There was a time when I wondered if I should just get rid of them but that was like admitting failure (but we have all been there). I am glad that I held on. I know that I won't be hanging on to these larger clothes when it is time. Hello Goodwill!
So, today went well and we had a fun day at the Apple Orchard, though I will say I had some close calls with a donut. They were handing out free samples of apple cider donuts there (yumm! If you have not had them just picture heaven) and I opted not to have any samples. Weight watchers if not about saying no and that isn't what I am about. Just not then. I knew if I started I would have a hard time stopping. I also knew we were going out for lunch and I wasn’t sure what the options would be. So, I said no to the samples though bought a package for home (because again it was not a no, just not now). Lunch went well too, I made a good choice with a grilled chicken sandwich and substituted a salad. The sandwich was very good but the chicken was pretty large, 6 oz. I should have split it in half, but I didn’t. I ate it, counted it and I moved on.
I got home and carried the 3 bushels of apples into our dining room (we are canning this weekend)and then carried one of the packages of Apple Cider Donuts to the counter. I almost broke into the package right then. Now, I know I could have a donut, but for some reason at that frame of mind I am pretty sure I would not have stopped at one. I was kind of thinking, “well, I deserve this. No one is looking." I ate one of the fresh honey crisp apples (that helped hit the spot) and logged my lunch and then played around with my points for the rest of the day to see if I could sneak in a donut without going over. I made it work! Then I drank a full glass of water, took out one donut and put away the rest, and sat down and enjoyed every single bite. No guilt and I do not have any inclination of going after any more. I was originally going to wait for my husband and have one with him later but that will probably be late tonight and I don't like eating sweets that late.
Now….a little more about the rest of my week. As I mentioned before I upped my daily points each day this past week to include most of my activity points. It made my consummation points look huge.
Now, I knew that my weight was dropping this week because we snuck a peek on Friday morning. Nicolle suggested I check and see how my body was reacting with just a few days with my new goals. I was 201 (had been 203lbs) I was elated with that and at least thought we were on the right track increasing my points. I was kind of hopeful but trying not to set myself getting too excited about gettings into the 100s. I had already hit another personal goal that week on Friday, at 201lbs I officially weighed less than my husband! A.K.A the bearded man...
Here is an even better one.. LOL! Forgot he grew his beard this much.
Ok, he shaved his beard sense then. I guess it is warmer for during the winter... oh goodie, winter is coming again. Here is a better one.
Alright, that is enough for now. I am going to post the bearded picture on facebook and ask if anyone knows who this is now lol
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