October 2015

October 2015
This is me! October 2015

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Dropped meetings and coach and my fitbit failed me!

Wow, 3rd blog in a week!  Go me!   Don't worry, this is not usual!  lol

So, as I mentioned in my last post my fitbit is out of order.  I know the title says it failed me, but I guess that is not necessarily true, but I pretty much failed it.  I guess they are not water proof...k, I knew that before too, but my fitbit One did NOT like it when I ran it through the washing machine!  Opps!

When I found it (went through the dryer too) it was dead... I crossed my finished and tried to recharge it.  I was feeling hopeful when it turned on and seemed to be working.  I actually went for a walk and didn't even think about it until I got home and looked and saw that my 40 minutes walk earned me about 4 steps!  Ummmm, yeah something was not right.  I did follow the recommendations I could find; I reset it, plugged it in...finally with my head hung low and the hope that the company might give me a discount for another one (because I really do love it) I called customer service. 

The lady I spoke to was very helpful and understanding.  She was first going to have me try to put it in a bag of rice overnight, but after I was asking her about some of the problems I was having with the case (the metal was showing!) she set it up to send me another one free of charge!  

Now, I have heard that they do this but it was not what I was expecting. I wondered if the stupidity of putting it through the washing machine would quality as a replacement, but I guess it does!   Love fitbit!   So I should receive it by next week (probably mid next week!).  I am looking forward to getting that back into the mix of things!
So, that happened yesterday.  The other thing that happened yesterday is I changed things on my weight watcher's account, again.  After some consideration, a conversation with my husband (who is such a good sport about this especially because I did not talk to him before I added personal one-on-one coaching), and some additional research I decided to change my account from online, meetings, and one-on-one personal coaching (about $60) to online and one-on-one coaching (about $45).  It ended up being only $5 more a month than what I was doing before.   This was harder than I thought it would be.  I have been with this group for about 8 months and I did find great success for awhile.  Things just didn't seem to be working for me the past 3 months though and it really was time to switch things up.  

If this one-on-one coaching can make me drop another 30lbs at least, that would be fantastic!   Maybe after awhile I will feel the need to change it up again...drop the coaching and go back to the meetings!  I think knowing that I can always change things back helped with the decision to drop the meeting.

One great thing is after I changed my account I was able to go through my health assessment again...so I took some screen shots and posted it below.

There was about 6 pages of this including some question/answer questions about your reasons and anything else you wanted to tell you coach...above is a sample of what it looks like though.

I also made another hard decision yesterday.  I changed my coach.  The coach I had chosen and already had some great correspondence (and I am sure would have been wonderful) did not have an opening in the afternoon until Wednesday.  I thought at first that would be ok but by last night I was considering looking again for someone that would be available sooner, like Monday!  

So, I wrote to CJK (the name of my coach) my apologies and reason for canceling my first session with her and switching and spent another good hour looking through the coaches/profiles/reviews.   One good thing is I can always work with CJK also or switch at any time.  One thing I came across is many people seem to have 2 separate coaches.  I think one is enough for me, but if something doesn't work out with my new coach, neither one us is stuck! 

So, after another good half hour of searching I decided on a coach named Nicolle.

I am not exactly sure why.  Again she looked nice (though they all do), had some specialties I could relate to like meal planning, cooking for the family, eating out, the gym, and working with fitness monitors. 

So, I set up our first meeting time for 1:30pm Monday afternoon!   I am looking forward to it! 

Ok, so I know this is the 3rd blog this week but it really was a changing week!  It is day 4 now of me being really 'on' the program.  I now have done the elliptical four days in a row and have stayed within my point range too! 

Wanted to share my victory I had last night.  We went to a birthday party of one of my nieces last night and I had no idea what would be served for supper.  I saved plenty of points (about 15).  What was there was my worst enemy; pizza!   There were also grapes and carrots so I had plenty of those along with 1 slice of pizza!  Now, I know I probably could have had a second slice of pizza but I wasn't sure at the time if I was going to cave in for the cake or not.   It ended up being ice cream cake which I am not a big fan of, so I said no to the cake!   I was very proud of myself last night!   If I wasn't 'on' I probably would have had 2 or 3 slices of pizza and a piece of ice cream cake.  I know I don't always need to say no, but at the time the cake did not seem worth it!   I was actually quite a bit below my points so I had some almonds and graham crackers when I got home. 

So, I am really off to a great start!  I really hope that when I have my first session on Monday that I can say that I tracked the entire time and stayed around my point goal.   My plan until then is to go over a little bit tomorrow for my points (dip into the weekly points because I have not done that yet this week) because we have dinner plans and I probably won't get my 40 minutes of exercise in, but that is ok.  I think my knees need a rest.  Monday though I am going to be right back on. 

Thanks for reading! 

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