Yes, after such a positive start last week (or was it two weeks ago?) I am still having a difficult time sticking with this. Actually, I am about 5 pounds up from when I wrote that last post. :( No excuses, just me and bad choices. I start so many morning very determined it is going to be a good day; then something happens like we go out for lunch, dinner plans change...and I just gorge myself. I have not been getting in the steps like I should either...too tired, too busy, not feeling well. No good excuses of course. Again, summer is hard! I need to work on sticking with it when plans change and life gets busy. I can't only be able to take care of myself when we are in routine and I am in completely control.
The other day I went with my husband boot shopping in Dubuque. I had eaten well that morning and had not planned to go out. I had planned on eating a healthy lunch and then had supper planned out that evening. So, of course we went out for lunch (we rarely get out much less without the little one) and choose Hu Hut. Now, Hu hut could be a healthy place to eat with some slight restrictions...get lots of vegetables, have a small serving of the noodles and then be careful with your sauces. I was so hungry when I got there that I filled up my plate with a bunch of junk and put some high calorie sauces on. I ate maybe half of that plate (ended up not being a fan of what I had chosen) and then went back for another big plate full. First of all, I am normally not that wasteful (would not leave half a plate but had not really been enjoying it). I should have gotten a smaller portion the first time around. I also should have not let myself get that hungry. So...after that meal and the 2 raspberry iced teas I had used up something like 23 points for just that meal (and I get a total of 31). One positive thing about the other day is after this, while before I might have gorged myself the rest of the day or gone after stupid things like baking chips and such that evening, I stayed pretty good the rest of the day. Except for a small chocolate bar at a coffee place I ate very sensibly the rest of the day.
Yesterday and today really are going very well! For the first time in a few weeks I got on my elliptical for 40 minutes. I really enjoyed my time and felt good afterwards. I had such a headache the rest of the day (and really had thought I had drank enough water and such...I might have been going through sugar withdrawal already) though. I stuck to my point goal yesterday too, right on! I even had a meal change when suddenly my husband was going to eat with us(I thought he was going to be in the field and eat the neighbors) and I didn't have enough food for all 3 of us... I improvised and had a baked potato with some ham and laughing cow cheese.
Today I have been eating well and have a chicken the crock pot for tonight. Right after this blog post I am going to get Cora down for a nap and then for the second day in the world I am going to get on the elliptical. So...I am off to a good fresh start again. I just need to stay consistent and if I do go off for a meal or food item I need to not let that derail me for days (like I got back on track after lunch at Hu Hut the other day). I can do this. Just wish I had more success to post on here.
On my motivation wall the words "she believed she could so she did" are large and in charge at the very top. This blog has gone through many names now but I think I found one that will stick. My name is Tessa and my blog is about my journey to better health with weight loss, exercise, and an attitude adjustment! My 'tools' are the program Weight Watchers, a fitbit activity tracker, this blog, and slowly going through the book Made to Crave, by Lysa Terkeurst.
October 2015
This is me! October 2015
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