October 2015

October 2015
This is me! October 2015

Monday, August 31, 2015

Had my first session with my personal coach!!!

This afternoon I had my first session with my one-on-one personal coach, Nicolle. I really was not sure what to expect, but I think it went very well! The 30 minutes flew by and we actually went 10 minutes over. I hope it did not make her late for her connections, but I really enjoyed speaking with her. The call started out with her giving me a mandatory short privacy and policy spiel. She gave me a short background on her; basically she has lost 55lbs and kept it off successfully sense 2001! She was very upfront to me saying that there were days, weeks, or even months that she doesn't always follow her plan like she should and did have some gains but Weight Watchers always pulled her back!  Currently she is not maintaining but working on losing a little weight she gained this summer. 

 I really am looking forward to getting to know her more; her personal journey, how Weight Watcher’s has changed, and any wisdom/advice she has for me! I will take it! Nicolle also gave me a short run down with how the personal coaching goes; how many clients meet with her once or twice a week but there are some that meet 3 or 4 times and a week that that is completely fine with her.

I found out from a different source (the online chat) that most coaches have a cap of about 4 clients at one time, so that is good! That was one of my original questions when I was looking through the coaches; some had 20, 30 or more reviews…did that mean that are overloaded with clients??? It does not though, it just means they have been helping people a little longer than some of the others.

Next she asked about me, to tell her about my journey so far and some of the successes and challenges I had had so far. She reassured me that it is pretty common for people to have a stall somewhere between 6 to 8 months on Weight Watchers. We talked about ways that we can get me out of it! I felt reassured after talking with her about my decision to cancel meetings when I joined the personal one-on-one coaching.

She also took some of the time to give me some encouragement and tools. We talked about my exercise and eating habits and started to work up a plan. It was a LOT of information. Honestly, I was a bit overwhelmed and I am not sure if I caught all of it. I want to mention here (and I actually did not tell this to her yet, I plan to next time) again though I know I have said it before, I have an auditory processing disability. It is part of my dyslexia. Things I hear just get goofed around. After my session I started writing this blog partially to try to remember some of the great things she told me, but I know I missed some of it. For my next sessions I plan to treat them like a class and type everything that I hear and then blog about it.

I do remember some of her points and advice. She told me I needed to keep switching up meals and exercise. Our bodies get used to foods/bodily movement if we do or have the same thing over and over. She also gave me a great rule of thumb to follow about activity points! I was really never sure before about how many activity points I should eat (like when I earn let’s say 6 which I do on an average day, how many should I eat over my daily point goal). She told me that anything over 4 activity points I should try to eat. Now, I remember searching for a good rule to this, asked a few personnel in chat and asked openly in some groups.

I am really glad that she is going to write up some of what we talked about in my action plan, but it went something like track/follow every day this week, and update my plan every day this week (we talked about how I had already set up my entire week from meals, snacks, to the coffee creamer), and think of some topics I would like to know more about. There might have been more. I will add it here when she gets it to me.

I did warn her that I plan to make another session or two this week. I think after I get a handle of things I will be good with 1 or 2 a week, but maybe for awhile I will have closer to 3 if our schedules allow. All of the other sessions I schedule will be 15 minutes.

So, that was a bit about my experience with my new personal coach! I feel like we are a great fit and I am excited to see how this will assist me on my journey!

I will probably write another blog tomorrow or the next day. My weigh-in for the week is tomorrow morning and I want to finally continue on Made to Crave (it has been awhile).

Thanks for reading!


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